Friday 12 January 2018

Kangen Rumah di Silimalombu Danau Toba

This article will not telling about beauty of Samosir, not also about Samosir's good food. It's about the place where i stayed at Samosir that feel so hommy for me.




Eco Village Silimalombu, place at Silimalombu village. The place design with bataknese style near Toba Lake. The road to the lodge is not easy, there so many drama happened. Like the broken road and car tyre slip on the mud. Until we have to walk about 1km far. Some of my friends hanging on Jimny’s car, the rest walk by foot. And i am some of who walk by foot, but after walk bit far, the lodge office take me with his motorcycle.

After arrived at the lodge, we clean ourself up. Then we chat while mom cook the food. She serve the food after finished cook. Like pizza, grilled fish with topping of squash, and tomatoes, bun bread, rice, freshly cooked kale from the stove. Warm and tasty yummy but not at all using additional micin or complete spices. The food is so fresh, hot and yum. Its only use traditional spices, no msg added to cook it. The ingridients and vegetables are from own garden.



I’m not talking to much while eating. Not because I’m not friendly, it just because i usually eat quite. After finish my dish, i choose to take a bath. Because i haven’t take a bath a day and night since we traveled from Tapaktuan. And also ‘cause the mud that makes my body dirt. After take a bath i bandage my foot with bandage.

Next say i woke up earlier than my friend. I think maybe because Mam words last night.

“I catch the fish at 7 o'clock”

At once i'm waking up my friend who ask me for wake him up. Then i go to met mam, but she doesn’t ready yet. Because mam have to cook for other guest who will check out that morning.

Then we go to take one or two pics at the photo spot around Toba Lake in front of lodge. After that mam ask me to go to get the fish. I’m wrong, i think i only will sit on the kano enjoy the view and take the picture. The reality is i have to row the kano.



After get the fish, i wash my clothes. I wash it on the edge of Toba Lake. Because of the wind blow and the weather, i slept on the terrace of the lodge. I also swim at the Toba Lake and trying canoing and boat.

The i watch mam cook the food. She looks proffesional with the kitchen untensil. I remember my mam at home, i remember when my mam cook my favorite dish when i back from this trip. Ah, i miss my mam foods.


Mam also take us with her to go to the forest to look the fruits that she plant before. The fruits and vegetable usually take for the guest or herself. We pass the rock road and muddy because the rain last night. When i see the view of the hills, suddenly i remember about Arjuno Welirang mount.



From many thing i ever do at Eco Village, i like watch mam cook. At the 23rd day trip, i miss my mam. I never trip like this before, go to difference island for dozens of day.

3 Desember 2017
Kesayangan Kamu.
Postingan ini bekerjasama dengan dengan Tripdixi aplikasi marketplace Indonesia dalam rangka Expose Sumatera. Postingan di media social dapat dilihat pada hashtag #DarmawisataBagimuNegeri #ExposeSumatera #Tripdixi .


  1. Dish wich made fro fish never fail. Love the grilled fish with tomatoes topping. Slrrpppp...*elap iler*

  2. I'll comment in bahasa wkwkwk
    Itu pizza ka ben ?

  3. Wah wah wah mulai merambah ke internesyenel nih ben. Mantap sosial! Seru banget sih itu kalo gue maen kano di sana terus bengang bengong merhatiin danau seluas itu ya. Muahaha. \:p/

  4. wow, Not only has many beautiful spots, Samosir also has a special cuisine.
    So, you felt were at home when you made a call with your mom, were'nt you?
    I has never seen the pizza like this before.
    I wish I could travel to Toba.
    It is the best lake ever, isn't it?

  5. I need to try those dishes. Seems so good !


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